What is digital literacy? It is the ability to efficiently use a computer and navigate the Internet for work and life. The following reliable, easy-to-use websites were created by trustworthy organizations that are dedicated to assisting the public with learning digital literacy skills.
DigitalLearn.org is for patrons who want to learn a variety of topics at their own pace. Topics include: Getting Started on the computer; Navigating a Website; Intro to Email; Basic Search; Using a PC (Windows 7); and Using a Mac (OS X). To get started, click here: DigitalLearn.org.
EveryoneOn.org is a non-profit organization whose goal is to “connect every last American to the power of the Internet.” This website has a locator tool to help you find computer training; links to online self paced courses for learning how to use computers, use the Internet, and finding jobs online; it also has information for eligible families to find out how to apply for discounted Internet and computers. To get started, click here: EveryoneOn.org.
GCFLearnFree.org is a great website for people who want to improve their technology skills, as well as reading and math skills that are needed for both work and life. Classes include: Computer basics, Microsoft Excel, Facebook 101, Microsoft Office, Internet basics, and Google. To get started, click here: GCFLearnFree.org. Todas las lecciones están disponibles en español; simplemente haga clic en el menú desplegable de idiomas y seleccione “Español”. Todas as lições estão disponíveis em Português; basta clicar no menu suspenso de idiomas e escolher “Português”.
Contact the Reference Services Librarian at tdblackwell@bolivar.lib.ms.us or phone (662) 843-2774 Ext. 104 if you have questions.