Pre-literacy skills are important in preparing children for success. Accordingly, the Bolivar County Library System is excited to offer a weekly children’s pre-school Story Hour free-of-charge at the Robinson-Carpenter Memorial Library in Cleveland that teaches pre-literacy skills and encourages the love of reading. Bobbie Matheney is our Youth Services Coordinator at Robinson-Carpenter and she offers fun, intellectually stimulating programs for children under the age of five years.
Story Hour is presented most Fridays (except holidays) from September through May from 10-11 a.m. Watch for posters in the library and Facebook posts for exact date that Story Hour resumes and ends each year.
NOTICE: Storyhour will resume in September 2024. Watch for flyers in August 2024 for exact date and registration information.
If you have questions, please contact Bobbie Matheney at (662) 843-2774 ext.105 or email her at bmatheney@bolivar.lib.ms.us.